
Join John Jagerson, renowned author and forex trader, as he shares his deep insight into the forex market and explores how you can control risk and make profits using FX options strategies. John will show you how to take advantage of this important trading instrument to speculate on market volatility instead of market direction and how to hedge against a specific FX trade's risk without having to resort to a stop loss that could lead to a whipsaw. Because this kind of trading has only become available to most traders recently, very few people are aware of the amazing opportunity to use options.

While Forex trading offers fantastic benefits for leverage or gearing, income opportunities and massive liquidity, it also has some serious disadvantages. It can be very difficult to create an effective hedge in a volatile FX market and the market's inherent volatility makes whipsaws a common occurrence. Forex options can be used to reduce or eliminate these problems. Come find out why institutional and retail traders are using options to speculate, control risk and make income in the FX market.
Learn to trade your views on the strength or weakness of the U.S. dollar. FX Options provide you with exposure to rate movements in the global foreign currency market and can be easily traded through all options-enabled brokerage accounts. These exchange listed securities are cash-settled in U.S. dollars and have a European style exercise.

John Jagerson is an active writer and trader in the Forex. John has worked in the capital markets and private equity for most of his career—including investing, writing, money management, and as Vice President of Content for INVESTools, Inc (IEDU) the leading investor-education company in the United States. John earned his B.S. in Business Administration in 1997 and funded his first private placement in 1998. His experience in the Forex began as the owner of an import/export firm, and it quickly became a major focus for risk control and profit opportunities. His book, “Profiting with Forex”, was recently published by McGraw Hill. He has been a featured profile in BusinessWeek’s Stock Trader newsletter and has been published several times in numerous online and offline periodicals. He is actively involved in managing his own stock, options, futures, and Forex portfolio and is a managing principal of Ouroboros Capital Management, LLC, an NFA member firm.

Steve Meizinger is Director of Education at the International Securities Exchange (ISE), which operates a family of innovative securities markets. Steve is a prominent and leading expert in Forex, equity, and index options trading. Steve has led hundreds of seminars for thousands of retail investors over the years. In addition to being a top rated instructor for the ISE and the Options Industry Council, Steve also speaks to the trading community at key industry conferences and events. Steve helps investors navigate the market by sharing his vast trading experience and deep insight into the marketplace, allowing them to identify the most appropriate trading strategies. Steve also has over twenty years experience as an Options Specialist at several leading exchanges, including the NYSE, PHLX and AMEX.
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