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  • BPX
        ISE FX British Pound

  • CDD
        ISE FX Canadian Dollar

  • EUI
        ISE FX Euro

  • YUK
        ISE FX Yen

  • ISE FX Euro


    Symbol EUI
    FX Description The underlying value for ISE FX Options on the exchange rate USD/EUR. The underlying value represents the exchange rate between the US dollar (base currency) and the euro (counter currency) times 100.
    Rate Modifier 100
    Premium Multiplier $100. The multiplier means that the options premiums are multiplied by $100 to obtain the actual premium amount.
    Strike Price Interval Strike price increments are $0.10 minimum, but in most cases $0.50.
    Minimum Trading Increments The minimum trading increment for an options contract trading at less than $3.00 is $0.05. The minimum trading increment for an options contract trading at $3.00 or higher is $0.10.
    Expiration Date Saturday following the third Friday of the expiration month.
    Expiration Months Up to four near-term months followed by up to four additional months from the March quarterly cycle (March, June, September and December). Up to ten long-term months, none further out than thirty-six
    Exercise Style European style. Options may be exercised only on the last trading day (usually a Friday). Writers are subject to assignment only at expiration.
    Last Trading Day Trading will ordinarily cease at 12:00 PM Eastern Time on the business day (usually a Friday) preceding the expiration day.
    Settlement Type Cash settlement
    Settlement  Value Symbol HAX
    Settlement Value Determined on the last trading day (usually a Friday) based on “Noon Buying Rates” as published by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (
    Position and Exercise Limits The position and exercise limits are 1,200,000 contracts on the same side of the market. Position and Exercise limits are subject to change.
    Trading Hours 9:30 A.M. - 4:15 P.M. Eastern Time (New York time).