Instructions to Enable Cookies
Cookies Not Enabled

Instructions to Enable Cookies

You may get this error if your web browser is not configured to accept cookies or cookies generated by third party websites.
Please locate your browser version below and follow the instructions for enabling cookies on your particular version. Once you have done this, simply close this window.

To enable cookies in Internet Explorer 5.0 or 5.5:

  1. from the tools menu in Internet Explorer choose internet options
  2. go to security tab
  3. click the custom level button
  4. set cookies to active
  5. Click OK.

To enable cookies in Internet Explorer 6:

  1. from the tools menu in Internet Explorer choose internet options
  2. go to the Privacy tab
  3. set slider to Low
  4. Click OK

To enable cookies in Netscape 4.3 - 4.7:

  1. From the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Click the Advanced category.
  3. Click one of the radio buttons.
    o Important: In most cases, "Accept all cookies" is the best choice. The second button means that your computer will not send a cookie to a server that did not originate it.
  4. If you want to be notified when Communicator accepts a cookie, check "Warn me before accepting a cookie."

To enable cookies in Netscape 6.0 - 6.1:

  1. From the edit menu, choose Preferences
  2. Click on Privacy and Security on the left hand menu
  3. Click on Cookies
  4. Click on Enable all Cookies and click OK.

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