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Senior Computer Operations Consultant
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Job Description

The ISE is currently recruiting a Senior Computer Operations Consultant to join our Computer Operations team.

Responsibilities to include:
• Provide technical customer support to exchange members
• Provide customer support to internal staff
• Support the internal trading applications on multiple platforms: routine health check of all systems, real time monitoring via EMS tools, troubleshooting of unexpected system events, submission of batch jobs
• Assist team in executing system recovery procedures when applicable
• Update technical procedures and protocol
• Assist in department and company projects which require activities off of the “front-line” of Level 1
• Perform proper daily system checkouts, assigned tasks, and projects
Required Experience
Experience/Skills Required:
• Bachelors degree in Computer Science
• Hand on experience with MS Office and Windows 2000/2003
Job Location
New York, NY, US.
Position Type
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