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ISE Strategic Partners

OM Technology - www.omgroup.com
Compaq - www.compaq.com
Softport Systems, Inc. - www.softportsystems.com

Industry Web Sites

Options Industry Council - www.optionscentral.com
Securities Industry Association - www.sia.com
Securities Exchange Commission - www.sec.gov

Broker/Dealers in Adirondack Trading Partners

Ameritrade - www.ameritrade.com
Etrade - www.etrade.com
Herzog, Heine, & Geduld - www.herzog.com
Knight/Trimark Group - www.knight-sec.com
Scottsdale Securities - www.scottrade.com

Popular Investment Web Sites

MoneyCentral - www.moneycentral.com
CBS Marketwatch - www.cbsmarketwatch.com
Yahoo - www.quote.yahoo.com
CNNfn - www.cnnfn.com
Quicken.com - www.quicken.com
Morningstar - www.morningstar.com
TheStreet.com - www.thestreet.com
ZDNET Interactive - www.zdii.com
Stockpoint - www.stockpoint.com
The Motley Fool - www.fool.com

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