Technology Partners
OM Technology
OM Technology, the world's leading provider of electronic exchange technology, is providing both ISE's central exchange system and trading stations. ISE uses an enhanced version of OM's electronic trading system: the OM CLICK Exchange System. Currently 13 exchanges around the world have acquired this trading system. It is an open, flexible system based on a client/server environment with an open user interface, which means that a wide range of third party applications are available for the system.
OM Technology also supplies a highly advanced trading station for market makers on the ISE. This trading station is based on the technology used in OM Technology's market-leading Orc trading station, an advanced tool for analyzing financial instruments in real time.
OM Technology is part of the Swedish OM Group. OM Technology applies advanced transaction technology to increase the efficiency of financial and energy markets worldwide. This is done both by developing trading technology and by owning and operating exchanges. The parent company, OM Gruppen, is listed on the OM Stockholm Exchange.
ISE's trading software (developed by OM Technology) operates on OpenVMS Alpha Server systems provided by Compaq Computer Corporation. Compaq is the second largest computer company in the world, a Fortune Global 100 company and the primary systems supplier in 106 of the world's 112 exchanges. The OpenVMS operating system, OpenVMS Clusters and Alpha architecture of Compaq provide configuration flexibility, technologies proven in many international markets, and unparalleled growth capacity to handle the high volumes of quotes associated with options trading. Further, this trading system has multiple redundancies and hot backups.