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Linkage Presentation

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The ISE has prepared an audio-visual presentation to provide ISE Electronic Access Members ("EAM") with an overview of the inter-market Linkage. This presentation represents the ISE’s views on the Linkage and the functionality that the ISE has developed to support the Linkage Plan. Other exchanges may provide different functionality for their members. Also, this presentation is current as of the day it was first posted, February 27, 2003, and the ISE makes no representation that it will keep the presentation current thereafter.

While the ISE prepared this presentation for EAMs, we believe it would be useful for all Members, as well as for other persons interested in learning more about how the Linkage will operate. Please note that this presentation is only an overview. We encourage Members, and other persons interested in the Linkage, to familiarize themselves with the ISE rules governing linkage and look to the formal Linkage Plan for full details.

If you understand the nature of the presentation, and wish to proceed, please click here.