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Moldova to conduct first-ever exit polls
Source: BBC 1/22/2005 10:55:15 AM

The Institute of Public Policies (IPP) will hold exit polls in 200 polling stations on election day, in cooperation with several nongovernmental organizations and sociological institutions such as ADEPT, IMAS, CIVIS, AXA, with the financial support of the Soros-Moldova Foundation.

Exit Polls represent a survey undertaken on election day among people who attended the elections in order to learn the approximate results of scrutiny. About 800 observers will interview 10,000-20,000 respondents selected on basis of sex, age, ethnic, social status, etc. The respondents will remain anonymous. Observers in charge of exit polls will be identified after badges. The results of exit polls will be released by two television channels after sealing of voting boxes at 21:00. IPP programme director Viorel Cibotaru stated to Basapress that he has solicited the Central Election Commission (CEC) to draft some instructions for the group of observers. He noted that legislation does not impose such an obligation on the CEC. Contacted by BASA, CEC member Mihai Poalelungi said that the CEC has no objections over exit polls.

Exit polls will be introduced in Moldova for the first time.

Source: Basapress news agency, Chisinau, in English 1530 gmt 22 Jan 05

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