International Securities Exchange, Inc. - Regulatory Information Circulars


  Certificate of Incorporation
  Comment Letters

  Position Limits

Regulatory Information Circulars

2006     2005     2004     2003     2002     2001     2000    


RIC-2003-18    [ December 22, 2003 ]
Securities Transaction for Tax Purposes 

RIC-2003-17    [ December 04, 2003 ]
Rule Change Regarding Primary Market Maker Obligations 

RIC-2003-16    [ October 20, 2003 ]
Primary Market Maker Obligtations 

RIC-2003-15    [ October 13, 2003 ]
Contrary Exercise Advice (CEA) - Extension of Cut-Off Time for Customers 

RIC-2003-14    [ August 27, 2003 ]
ISE Market Maker Continuous Quotation Obligations 

RIC-2003-13    [ July 14, 2003 ]
Exercise by Exception Procedures for Securities Halted Prior to Expiration 

RIC-2003-12    [ July 08, 2003 ]
Disciplinary Ramifications of Trading Through the NBBO 

RIC-2003-11    [ June 30, 2003 ]
Amendment to Obvious Error Rule 

RIC-2003-10    [ June 10, 2003 ]
CEA Cut-off Time Change 

RIC-2003-09    [ May 23, 2003 ]
Market Maker Obligations on the Opening 

RIC-2003-08    [ May 15, 2003 ]
Bid-Ask Spread Pilot Interpretation 

RIC-2003-07    [ April 30, 2003 ]
SSF-Options Combination Orders 

RIC-2003-06    [ April 21, 2003 ]
Linkage Obligations 

RIC-2003-05    [ March 31, 2003 ]
Bid-Ask Spreads - 5 Dollar Maximum Pilot Program 

RIC-2003-04    [ February 03, 2003 ]
Obvious Errors Involving the Combination Order Book 

RIC-2003-03    [ January 27, 2003 ]
Termination of Speed Bump-15 second rule 

RIC-2003-02    [ January 22, 2003 ]
Termination of Interim Linkage 

RIC-2003-01    [ January 17, 2003 ]
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