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FX Options
A Smarter Way to Trade Currencies


ISE FX Options™ provide investors with exposure to rate movements in the global foreign currency market. ISE FX Options are exchange-listed securities that can be easily accessed through most major brokerage accounts that are approved for trading equity and index options.

With ISE FX Options, you have instant access to a new investment strategy that allows you to trade your views on the strength or weakness of the U.S. Dollar. All ISE FX Options have U.S. Dollar-based underlying values, which are scaled as needed to create an underlying value similar to traditional equity or index options.

For example, if the current USD/EUR rate is .7829 (0.7829 EUR per 1 USD), the underlying value for the ISE Euro FX Option would be 78.29. This format allows investors to easily adopt the trading strategies they currently use for equity and index options. ISE FX Options are cash-settled, which eliminates the need for investors to hold the actual foreign currency. Using this approach, investors will recognize that U.S. Dollar-strength is exhibited when a rate increases, and U.S. Dollar-weakness when a rate decreases.

To understand ISE FX Options, sign-up now for one of our Webinars.


Investors can access the underlying rates for ISE FX Options from several leading market data vendors and financial websites, including Bloomberg, ILX, Reuters, and Yahoo! Finance.

ISE FX British Pound(GBP)USD/GBPBPX81Timber Hill LLCdownload
ISE FX Canadian Dollar(CAD)USD/CADCDD81Timber Hill LLCdownload
ISE FX Euro(EUR)USD/EUREUI81Timber Hill LLCdownload
ISE FX Yen(JPY)USD/JPYYUK81Timber Hill LLCdownload

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For additional information about ISE FX Options, please contact [email protected].